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BCH11. D. Folinas, V. Manthou, M. Vlachopoulou, 2006, Integrated Logistics Information Systems: The Greek Paradigm, Supply Chain Management and Logistics in South East Europe, ed. Ketikidis and Koh, ISBN 960-87869-6-7, South-East European Research Centre, pp.120-131
BCH10. Matopoulos A., Vlachopoulou M. and Manthou V. (2006).E-Business in the Agriculture Sector in
BCH9. Matopoulos A., Vlachopoulou M. and Manthou V., 2006, E-business in the agri-food sector in
BCH8. Malama E., M. Vlachopoulou, D. Folinas,V. Manthou, 2005, A conceptual Model for E-Learning Service Provider : Applied to Greek Tourism Sector in Information Management in Modern Enterprise : Issues & Solutions, Editor Khalid S. Soliman, IBIMA www.ibima.org, pp.413-419, ISBN 0-9753393-3-8
BCH7. E. I.Malama,M. Vlachopoulou, V. Manthou , 2003, Challenges and limitations in Viral Marketing Strategy Global Business Issues of Business, vol 3, edited by G.T. Papanikos, C.Veloutsou, ed. Athens Institute for Education and Research, pp 349 357
BCH6. Vlachopoulou, M., Manthou, V., 2002, Parnership Alliances in Virtual Markets, in Co-operation and Competition C&C The Organization of the Future, editor Mosad Zineldin, ISBN 91-7636-350-3, pp 434-445, Sweden
BCH5. Manthou V., Vlachopoulou M., Folinas D, 2002, The Supply Chain Perspective of e-business Evolution, In: J.L. Monteiro, P. Swatman, L.V. Tavares, eds., Towards the Knowledge Society, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, pp. 229-242
BCH4. Vlachopoulou M., Manthou V., 2002, O. Ioannidis, Integrated Customer Relationship Management in the Banking Sector, In New Trends in Banking Management, ed. by C. Zopounidis, pp 135-148, Physica-Verlag, A Springer-Verlag Company
BCH3. Manthou V., Vlachopoulou M., 2001, Agile Manufacturing: The 21st Century Competitive Strategy, ed. by
BCH2. Vlachopoulou M., Manthou V., Vlachopoulou E., 2001, E-services for marketing and logistics for the rural products, Information Systems in the Agriculture Sector, Eds: Matsatsinis N., Publications of New Technologies, ISBN 960-8105-35-8, pp. 210-222,
BCH1. Basiliadou I., Vlachopoulou M., Tziortzios S., Manos B., 2001 A computerized model for the development of the agricultural regions Information Systems in the Agriculture Sector, Eds: Matsatsinis N., Publications of New Technologies, ISBN 960-8105-35-8, pp.283-305, |